Top SMS marketing strategies

SMS marketing

Here are the most effective SMS marketing techniques for getting a high text open rate.

1. Include images and GIFs

MMS marketing is also a part of SMS (Multimedia Message Service). In your MMS messages, you can send and receive images, videos, and graphics. This is a great way to get more participation and focus.

2. Create effective CTAs

Every text message should have a call to action asking readers to take the next step. Until you employ a compelling CTA, you are not advancing the recipient through the sales cycle or down the funnel. Here are some illustrations of these.

In most cases, a text message link is preferred. You lower the barrier between you and your target audience by inserting a (shortened) URL in the SMS message. It enables recipients to complete the next action right away from their phones.

3. Customize your text messages

Your list’s segmentation will increase the level of personalization of your communications with that particular demographic. Customers generally respond favourably to warm, personalized texts that include the recipient’s first name.

4. Understand when to send SMSes

Different age groups check their phones at various times.

Younger audiences are more inclined to open texts in the morning. Many millennials check their texts first thing in the morning. You could anticipate especially high open rates from communications addressed to millennials early in the morning because there are so many of them working today.

Everyone in the crowd had checked their phones earlier in the day. The rates of early morning checks go down marginally, but not dramatically, when all age groups are taken into account.

Sundays frequently have the lowest engagement, therefore it’s preferable to wait to send on Sundays unless you have a really compelling reason to.

5. Get signups with special offers

Create and advertise discounts as one of the easiest ways to encourage customers to sign up for your messages.

Contests: Holding a contest is a great way to get people to subscribe to your texts and keep them there. Because of the possibility of winning, consumers are more likely to enter a contest.

Coupons: The same reasoning that applies to contests also applies to coupons. It costs nothing to sign up for an SMS marketing campaign. As a result, customers are more likely to utilize a voucher for a product they like on special occasions or on holidays.